Want to catch-up with the latest news and views? You can download recent editions of our QUALITY MATTERS newsletter here.

In this edition we commemorate a major milestone – 100 learners achieving CQI and IRCA Certificates in Quality Management. This issue is dedicated to these learners, acknowledging their commitment to professional growth and, above all, celebrating their remarkable accomplishments. Download it here.

We’re delighted to kick off the New Year sharing the inspiring stories of learners who have successfully started theirs by achieving CQI accreditation! A drive for excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement is also at the heart of what we do.  Find out how we work in partnerships with organisations to achieve this.  Download it here.

In the final edition of QUALITY MATTERS of 2023, we celebrated Quality World Week. This year’s theme – Realising your competitive potential – provided the opportunity to show how investing in your QM culture and capabilities will improve your competitive advantage. Download it here.

In our Autumn issue of QUALITY MATTERS we ask what is process management and why is it important, we shine the spotlight on the contribution of Genichi Taguchi to QM, and celebrate our 1000th course completion with a donation to charity, close to one learner’s heart.  Download it here.

In our Summer edition our Programme Lead, Chris Smith,  looks at corporate strategy, we shine the spotlight on the contribution of Armand V. Feigenbaum to TQM, and find out how QA Officer Rebecca Todd’s completion of the Practitioner Certificate is helping her to progress in her career. Download it here.

In our first edition of 2023, our Programme Lead asks what is root cause analysis and why is it important. We look at the contributions of Professor Kaoru Ishikawa to QM, and what’s more, nominations for this year’s International Quality Awards 2023 are now open! Download it here.

In this edition of QUALITY MATTERS, Chris Smith looks at the value of strategic management and its importance in ensuring business continuity. We also shine the spotlight on Philip B. Crosby – an innovative and influential force in business and manufacturing. Download it here.

Hot off the heels of this year’s World Quality Week #WQW22, this newsletter focusses on Quality Conscience: doing the right thing. It includes Programme Lead, Chris Smith’s opinion piece- Is ‘doing the right thing’ an organisational ethical dilemma? Download it here.

Find out why it’s important to manage quality and the value effective quality management has for an organisation.  We also look at the contributions Joseph M. Juran – an influential management consultant who remained active in the field of quality management well into his 80s. Download it here.

In our Spring edition of QUALITY MATTERS, we assess whether a robust risk management strategy will help organisations counter the Covid-19 crisis. We also shine the spotlight on W. Edwards Deming – a leading management thinker in the field of quality. Download it here.

In this edition, read about World Quality Week 2021 – the campaign celebrating the quality management profession. We also give a big shout out to our learners who have been working diligently – despite the challenges of Covid-19, to complete over 200 courses! Download it here.

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