The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) and its IRCA division are the leading global professional bodies for quality and audit professionals. As the only chartered body in the world that’s dedicated to quality management, 60,000 delegates in over 100 countries across the world take CQI and IRCA Certified Training every year.

Here’s why:

  • With three levels of training and a variety of modular courses, you can create a learning programme perfectly tailored to your needs whatever your career stage.
  • Training is mapped to the CQI’s Competency Framework, so you learn the relevant, up-to-date skills employers want.
  • Our certified training courses provide you with the skills and knowledge to support your application for CQI membership.

Why CQI?

The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) is the global chartered body for quality professionals with a unique network of 20,000 members worldwide. The CQI encompass the whole quality community, including quality management professionals. More…

What is the CQI’s Profession Map?

The CQI’s Profession Map is designed to sit at the heart of your professional development.  Building on the previous Competency Framework, the Profession Map is a practical and navigable tool that allows you to explore the competencies required to succeed as a quality professional. More…

Map out your quality career with the CQI And IRCA

The CQI’s Typical Competence Profiles and Career Pathways Map have been designed to help you navigate your career and explore the competencies required to discover, explore, and achieve your ambitions. The Career Pathways Map provides a framework describing potential career routes in quality. It captures key roles and specialisms undertaken by quality professionals and shows how pathways are not fixed but opportunities for vertical and horizontal career progression are available. More…



Find a CQI and IRCA Certified Quality Management training course

There are three levels of CQI and IRCA Certified Quality Management training courses. Browse the different course levels, below, to find out what’ll you learn, how long it’ll take, how you’ll be assessed and how we’ll support you.

The Foundation Quality Management courses provide you with an understanding of quality management essentials.. If you are just starting in your quality career, you should consider these courses.
Practitioner courses in Quality Management enable you to develop your understanding of management level quality topics. And, how this knowledge applies to your within your role, organisation and industry. If you are already working in a quality role, these courses are for you.
If you are an experienced quality professional, consider the CQI and IRCA Professional Quality Management training courses. These courses are suitable if you’re looking to succeed at a strategic level. What’s more, they also meet the knowledge requirements for CQI membership at Chartered Quality Professional level.