Distance, or online, learning has become increasingly popular following the Covid-19 pandemic. There’s a whole host of flexible learning solutions, and terminology, to describe the options open to you. This can be a minefield for students. So, we’ve created a series of blogs to give you the low-down on distance learning.  First up, we explain what it is, and why it’s valued by so many learners.

What is distance learning?

Quite simply, distance learning is any training which occurs where the tutor and student aren’t in the same physical space.

It takes place online, so you learn without attending traditional sessions with a tutor.

What are the benefits of distance learning?

The main benefit of distance learning is its flexibility.

With distance learning, you can study at home or work, at a time – and a pace – which suits you.

What’s more…

1: Flexible enrolment and study

Distance learning puts you in control of your learning.  You’re not constrained to set enrolment dates or dedicated study times.  You can start your training at a time which works for you – and your organisation.

2: Work at your own pace

You can complete your training at a pace that’s best for you. If you have more time than expected, you can accelerate your learning and complete earlier than planned.

3: Monitor your progress

Some distance learning management systems, like the one we use, allows you to track your progress against your planned end date too. This is good way to get a quick visual indication of how you’re doing and whether you’re on track.

4: 24/7 access

Access to course learning, assessment and study support materials are typically available 24/7. As too, the option to contact your tutor, receive feedback and support. This works well if you’re balancing your studies with your work and home commitments.

Find out more?

 If you’re interested in learning online take a look at our handy checklist of things to consider. To find out how our courses are delivered – using supported distance learning, click here.

Any questions you may have, about studying with rove, please get in touch with us.