Katarzyna Nadzieja, a Senior Quality Engineer at Southco Manufacturing Ltd has recently completed the prestigious CQI and IRCA Professional Certificate in Quality Management following two years of studying. She believes the courses have not only provided her with a more holistic understanding of her organisation and the challenges faced by other departments, but she has developed a different approach to communicating which is positively impacting on her role.
We caught up with Katarzyna to find out about her motivations for studying, what knowledge and skills she developed across the last two year, and the impact her training has had on her role.
In her capacity as a Senior Quality Engineer, Katarzyna plays a pivotal role in strategic planning for Customer Quality Management. Her responsibilities include formulating strategies for customer-quality relationships, identifying key customers, evaluating process and product risks, and driving continuous improvement initiatives. Additionally, she oversees quality performance measurements and implements corrective actions to enhance customer satisfaction and operational metrics.
Katarzyna’s decision to pursue professional development through the CQI and IRCA Quality Management courses came from her desire to expand her leadership skills. In addition, after many years in her role, she was also looking for a new challenge.
“After eight to nine years in my role, I felt like I was stagnating. I needed a challenge and wanted to learn new skills and knowledge in other areas. I wanted a different approach – a different feeling,” explained Katarzyna.
When Katarzyna first began the Professional Certificate in Quality Management, she quickly expanded her knowledge of new theoretical concepts. Initially, she found it challenging to see how they would work in practice.
“At first, I found it challenging taking the new knowledge I had gained from the course and visioning how this could impact on my role. To help me, I began working with other teams and asked their opinions and advice – I asked a lot of people ‘What would you do’ and this really helped me.”
By actively seeking insights from other teams and departments, Katarzyna bridged the gap between theory and practical application.
“I really had to think about how to put the theory into practice. But, as I worked through the courses, I began to understand how everything was interconnected.
“When I did, it was a light bulb moment – such a joy,” said Katarzyna.

One unexpected takeaway from the course was how Katarzyna developed her soft skills and improved her communications. Katarzyna discovered the importance of engaging with others and influencing decisions in order to achieve her objectives. By understanding people’s motivations and processes, allowed her to navigate her role more efficiently.
In addition, by completing the Professional Certificate in Quality Management, Katarzyna gained a holistic understanding of her company’s operations. This combined with her improved communication skills, have prompted her to adapt her approach in order to achieve her goals effectively.
“In my role I engage with a lot of different people – interactions are crucial. The courses gave me the skills to understand others behaviour and perspectives much better. This has made me a better communicator and I can now achieve my goals much easier,” explained Katarzyna.
Transitioning to a self-paced learning format presented challenges for Katarzyna, requiring her to become more organised and disciplined in her studies.
“I had to get organised and create a routine where I could concentrate on my studies. I did this by setting a daily schedule.”
Reflecting on her journey, Katarzyna encourages quality practitioners who are considering studying CQI and IRCA Quality Management courses to embrace the unknown and view challenges as opportunities for growth.
“You don’t know, what you don’t know and it’s important to explore the unknown. It’s been an eye-opener for me, particularly the importance of human interactions and how crucial it is to engage people in order to achieve your objectives.
“I really enjoyed the journey. It gave me the space to take a step back and really think.”
Katarzyna Nadzieja’s journey illustrates the impact of professional development on individual growth. Her commitment to learning and self-improvement has enhanced her capabilities as a Senior Quality Engineer and her story serves as an inspiration to others embarking on their own paths of professional growth and development.
For over 13 years rove has supported quality management professionals develop and progress in their careers. Since 2016, its experienced, knowledgeable, and friendly team has supported over 500 learners, from over 345 companies – who have completed more than 1000 quality management courses. It is also very proud of its 100% pass rate. You can find out about the CQI and IRCA Foundation, Practitioner and Professional quality management courses here.