Over the last six months, many of us have had to adjust to a new work environment. Although working at home can feel liberating, it also brings its own challenges.


Alongside feelings of isolation and loneliness, many people adapting to homeworking find ‘switching off’ and separating work life from home life problematic.


Here’s our top 10 tips to help you make the most of homeworking.


1: Create a dedicated office space

Find a workplace which is productive for you and where there will be limited distractions. Make sure you consider ergonomics – is your chair at the correct heigh, are you sitting correctly and not slouching?


2: Set a schedule

Make sure you maintain a work-life balance by developing a schedule and sticking to it. Set time for breaks throughout the day and don’t forget to take your lunch – preferably away from your home office.


3: Establish healthy boundaries

Maintaining productive routines and boundaries is important to ensure you maintain your positive mental health and remain productive.  Stay hydrated, leave your home office across the day and aim to get some exercise and fresh air at least once a day.


4: Look the part

Although you’re not in the office, it’s still important to get up in the morning, shower, get dressed and prepare for the day ahead.  We’re not saying dress in your formal work wear, but sometimes getting yourself physically prepared – might help you get into the right head space to be productive and motivated.


5: Use video calls – even if you don’t want to

Many people find video chat awkward and uncomfortable, but if you’re working remotely it’s important to have face-to-face interaction with your colleagues and it could help lessen feelings of isolation.


6: Resolve issues with a phone call or video chat

Whether you’re working from home or not, issues arise.  Pick up the phone or use video conferencing to deal with them quickly and effectively.


7: Socialise with your colleagues

If you’re used to working in a busy office environment, you may find you are experiencing feelings of loneliness, disconnect, and isolation.  Your organisation may facilitate ways to help you socialise with other, but if not, be proactive about maintaining and nurturing relationships with your colleagues. It’s important to have interaction and to feel connected and part of your team.


8: Don’t forget about your organisation’s values and culture

Just because you’re not in the office, does not mean you should act any differently.  It is important to maintain a healthy and happy company culture – you can do this during your weekly meetings. Alongside discussing your weekly schedules and tasks, try to have some light-hearted chat and share collective experiences.


9: Don’t be too hard on yourself

Working from home is a big transition for many of us.  Some days you may feel lonely, stressed, frustrated, anxious and unmotivated, but other days relaxed, energized and productive. It is what it is and there’s nothing you can do to change things out of your control.  The best tactic is to play it ear and take the time you need to adjust to your new situation.



10: Ask for feedback

If you’re new to home working and need some feedback about how you’re doing, just ask your manager or colleagues.  If you’re struggling with some tasks, talk to them and get their input.  Above all, listen and make improvements where you can – make home working work for you.